Child Protection
Drop-In Centre

Day Classes
children attend classes daily
Offered to children from nearby slum areas who are not ready to attend stable and regular classes due to extreme circumstances. Classes help develop children’s learning capacity to enrol in public school or DT’s Non-Formal Education programme.

children and adults reached
Essential to identifying children who are at risk of or currently experiencing abuse or neglect, exploitation, or are out of school. Outreach is vital to building trust among DT social workers and the communities we serve.

Mobile Library
children attended in 2023
The mobile library travels by remork (large tuk tuk) to a different village each month, raising awareness on the importance of reading and education and other key topics such as child rights, hygiene, life skills, and safe migration.

Peer Educators
active Peer Educators
Peer educators are youth interested in helping their communities by promoting positive lifestyles. They receive mentorships from DT social workers who educate them on child rights, prevention of abuse and reporting cases. They act as role models for community children, encouraging children to stay in school and avoid drugs or gang activities.
ChildSafe Network
Damnok Toek is an active member of the ChildSafe Network, which works to protect street-living and street-working children and youth from all forms of abuse. The ChildSafe Movement is part of the 3PC (the Partnership Program for the Protection of Children) agenda.
DT trains ChildSafe Agents who are local members of the community (tuk-tuk drivers, market vendors, teachers, etc.) in child protection. The training helps them to identify unsafe situations. From there, they can intervene or call the 24/7 ChildSafe hotline available nationwide to report the problem for further intervention from the authorities or a trained 3PC member organisation.